Saturday, December 28, 2019

Help You Migrate To Canada As A Permanent Resident


How we can help you

  • We conduct a thorough research to explore options for Skilled Immigration
  • We then help you evaluate your points and eligibility to apply for Permanent Residency through economic immigration, provincial nominee programs, business immigration, investors program
  • If needed we provide you personalized plan to improve points and give you a realistic timeline so you can achieve your goals
  • Explore other options to come to Canada on a temporary basis, i.e. international students, visitors, temporary foreign workers (if all else fails and you are not eligible to apply for Canadian Immigration)

Things to remember

You don't need to hire a representative! And it's completely your choice. If you choose to do so beware of fraudulent representatives. RCICs are the only authorized representative by the Government of Canada to represent on client’s behalf.


Please note that information we provide should not be construed as legal advice. Federal and Provincial immigration law, regulations and policy change frequently, often without notice.

Please contact us before placing an order. Many thanks!



good services

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