Saturday, June 30, 2018

I will do a full patent draft plus design and idea refinement. Includes up to 10 diagrams & advisory

I will do a full patent draft plus design and idea refinement. Includes up to 10 diagrams & advisory


js-gig-main-desc ">I know many people get worried about getting their app ideas stolen. Patenting is
expensive, especially getting the right consultation. I have been there, done that and successfully drafted three patents. I can help you with patent drafting and advise on the next course of action to protect your IP. I'm an engineer with tech knowledge so I can help make some design modifications on the methods and systems used at a very subsidized fee. Applicable to US, UK, EU, Japan and other PCT members

Check out one of my patents (KE/P/2016/2583)in the Kenya IP Journal for January:







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