Friday, June 29, 2018

I will give you advice on your trademark for US

I will give you advice on your trademark for US


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I am a reliable Legal Consultant and have experience of many years in this field. I am well reputed in the world of trademarks and other intellectual property rights. I will conduct availability search, research and draft the specifications for filing and make the application on your behalf.

It is impossible for everyone to predict how the registry and owner of existing trademark will react to new application. In the event of objections or queries to the registration of the trademark then these would extra to respond. I will give you a cost in case if this happen.

The official fee for filing one trademark in one class in the USA is $225 payable to the US Trademarks office. Additional cost will be occurred for each additional class. This will be advised when we discussed the application in detail. 

Please feel free to contact for additional information and details regarding the government fees. 








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