Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Write Tender Documents, Rfp, Rfx And Contract Documents


Protect your Business from unnecessary legal liabilities with Good Legal Documents.

Would you like to ensure you source your products or services using the right documents? Do you want to ensure you get the right Suppliers to provide the goods or service you intend selling?Would you want to ensure your Business is protected and indemnified from associated Business risk?Would you like to ensure your Suppliers and Customers are governed by your General Terms and Conditions, confidentiality terms, privacy protection terms and non disclosure terms?if your answer is Yes....then you are at the right place!

Am a Canadian Supply Chain, Contract Management and Project Management Professional . I  have helped Organizations, small Business and entrepreneurs streamline their Supply Chain activities by ensuring the right sourcing documents and Contract Documents are in place. I have also helped in mitigating associated Business risks such as Privacy issues, confidentiality,Intellectual Property infringements etc.


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