Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Write Privacy Notice For Your Web Site


Easy-to-ready Privacy Notice for your business.

What do you call a dense, overly lengthy document loaded with legal jargon and virtually impossible for a nonlawyer to understand? Is there some practical reason for this? The truth is that lawyers create documents which are useless for nonlawyers. Do you need one of these?

if your answer is "no", I will create a one-page external written instrument, which will inform your customers or website visitors in brief about your privacy policy, containing all relevant info customers and privacy advocates normally need to know.

You will get a Privacy Notice written in plain English, short and easy-to-read, which any reasonable non-lawyer could understand with zero context or explanation, containing no legalese or incomprehensible language, but 100% GDPR and CCPA compliant.


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