Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Prior Art Patent Search In USA


You have reached here because you must be looking for Patent Search in USA

In order for a patent to be valid, it must be novel (new) and inventive. That is, it cannot have already been done, and it cannot be an obvious variation on what is already known.

Before you file your patent application, I can carry out a search, including all the relevant patent, and provide you with an assessment of your idea. You can then decide whether to proceed with filing a patent application for your idea.

NDA will only be shared at the order page.

This is just basic gig for Patent Search. Services such as Patent Search, filing, drafting will require extra gigs. Kindly contact me before ordering this gig and if not, I shall reserve the right to cancel the order.

Disclaimer: We give no warranty or representation with respect to the content of the information and gives no warranty regarding my services. You acknowledge and agree that under no circumstances we will be liable for any loss or damage caused by using my services or caused by your conduct whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, financial or otherwise, arising out of the use of my services.


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