Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Protect Your Rights In Credit Card Harassment


I will write a credit legal letter for you to stop harassment.  

  • Credit Card  Letter ~ cease & desist letter to collection company

Once you request the gig, I might have a few questions to properly compose the credit letter for you.

 The letter will be a composed letter, which I will email to you & you can fill in various names, addresses and dates. This letter will NOT be on legal letterhead.


Each time a credit company calls you AFTER you have asked them to stop it’s a $1,500.00 fine for each call. I will give you the information to stop the calls and put the credit card company on notice under the Fair Debt & Collection Act requirements.

PLEASE NOTE:         

I am a NJ attorney & my advice is based on my NJ experience. My advice may not be applicable in your particular state or location.

 My written answer may not entirely resolve your problem or issue. But my answer will provide the starting blocks on how you can go forward.

 We are not creating an attorney-client relationship and none is offered. 

This is a limited scope work product.


: : : : :

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