Saturday, January 18, 2020

Trademark Search And Trademark Registration For You



*I recommend you text me before placing the order. 

* Government fee for respective country is Applicable

I offer all or any of following

  • Patent
  • Patent search
  • Patent Drawing
  • Patent Application
  • Write provisional patent
  • Trademark
  • Trademark search 
  • Trademark registration
  • Copyrights

NOTE: I recommend you to contact me before ordering this gig, Services such as trademark search and trademark registration and patent can require separate gigs.

Personal information will be needed at the time of filing, and form will be shared at the order page only.

Thank you


Seller's Response:

good job appreciate

Seller's Response:

Excellent skills, fully professional work

Seller's Response:

Fully satisfied with the service of this seller , wonderful work


Best experience


Project completed with in time and all requirements are completely filled

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