Tuesday, February 18, 2020

A Trademark Search For Brand Name, Tagline,Slogan


Trade mark registration gives the proprietor the right to exclusive use of the mark in respect of the goods or services covered by it. Possibly the most important reason for registration of a trade mark is the powerful remedies against unauthorized use.

I am assisting my clients from all over the globe through this platform and I totally believe that your money and mark protection are equally important for you. I will be submitting you a detailed report covering your mark detailed search report and your recommended course of action.

I am happy to provide my customers 3 very easy and simple package to purchase. You can choose your package as per your requirement. Please dont forget to leave the order requirement once you place order.


1. For basic package : Please share Name for which you want to apply trademark,

2. For 
standard package :  Please share tagline/ slogam for which you want to apply trademark,

3. For premium package:  Please share Logo for which you want to apply trademark


Seller's Response:

very good A+++ fast

Seller's Response:

Thank You and Glad to assist you

Seller's Response:

A job well done

Seller's Response:

Glad to assist you

Seller's Response:

Prompt attention and detail. Quick turnaround

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