Thursday, February 27, 2020

Give You Legal Advice In All Areas Of Law


I am mohcine el abiad, I have a Bachelor's degree in law, I have 5 years of experience in legal counseling as well as legal advisor

Mastery of writing contracts of all kinds and suits of all kinds.
• Worked as a lawyer before civil and criminal courts, Shari'a courts and administrative courts. He holds a diploma in judicial sciences, private law diploma and a master's degree in private law.
This enables me to analyze and interpret legal texts, contract clauses, and legal options that best serve your interest through simplified legal advice.
Formulate all types of contracts to guarantee your rights, and ensure a balance between your rights and obligations.
3 - We have practical experience in business, establishment of companies, licenses, patents, trademarks, copyright and drafting contracts.
- Offers contracts and legal advice in a word-formatted and editable file


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