Sunday, February 23, 2020

Trademark Registration And Search For You



Do you want to protect your brand name or logo design?

Then get a Trademark. I am an IP attorney with four years of experience. I have filed numerous Trademarks and has persuasively responded to various office actions. I can do

  • Trademark Search
  • Trademark Filing
  • Respond to Office Action
  • File Statment of Use

Please do not place the order directly. Message me if you are interested and we can go forward from there

NB: I cannot represent you in any USPTO office actions. 


Seller's Response:

even with my 1 million questions he was very helpful and quick responding! i will be using his services again!

Seller's Response:


Seller's Response:

very responsive.

Seller's Response:

easy to work with ,very fast response time



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