Saturday, July 14, 2018

I will help with compliance with gdpr

I will help with compliance with gdpr


From May 25, 2018 comes into force the new European data protection law, with compliance obligation for all those who treat personal data of European citizens regardless of where the web is located.

The penalties for breaching the general regulation of data protection can reach 20 million euros, or up to 4% of the annual turnover of your company.

This is a summary of the changes that I will make on your website to comply with the new law:
creation of forms that separate the consents according to the purpose of the data to be accepted separately.

System for erasing personal data, which allows users to obtain a copy of their data, modify it or delete it completely from the server.

application of security systems to protect that data, as well as a website monitoring software that allows to keep a record of all wordpress movements.

System for early detection of security failures and alerts to users. The law requires users to be notified of the vulnerability and of the data that may have been compromised in less than 72 hours.

System to regain the consent of all existing users, members of a newsletter, general users, etc.
Maximum discretion, more than 10 years of experience.







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