Sunday, July 29, 2018

I will help you:

I will help you:


Is there anyone who is reluctant to pay your debt? 

Is there anyone who has not fulfilled his promise regarding any business?

Is there anyone who has breached any clause, term or a point of the agreement? or;

Someone served you or sold you products and the quality/quantity is not as promised!

In all of such situations, you can opt to serve a legal notice to other parties.

I will write a legal notice that you can serve to the opponent party. 

In today’s world we enter into numerous litigations with individuals/firms wherein filing of civil suit becomes imperative which we do generally file. Some individuals/firms enters into litigation straightaway while others opt for serving a notice upon opponent of giving out intention filing of a civil suit in court of competent jurisdiction. There are certain legislations which make it mandatory to file a legal notice before filing  any litigation otherwise that litigation will be bad in law.







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