Friday, November 29, 2019

Prepare Patent Office Action Responses


Office action preparation requires dealing with the examiner’s objection as well as taking care of your application, on the verge of rejection by way of amending improper claims / editing relevant descriptions of the applications, etc for overcoming novelty issues and so on.

In order to take care of a specific Office action a complete understanding of the contending clauses as well as the invention is necessary to enable appropriate edit of the application in consonance with the cited art / objected parts. To take care of the same, adequate interaction with the examiner (in India only) and inventor / assignee to bring out the novel core  of your invention is a must. Proper bypass of the contending claims besides, editing improper parts of the descriptions of the applications, etc that contradicts the novelty issues to bring forth the novelty of the invention can ultimately lead to grant of your application. In this process, I use my long experience and knowledge in reorganizing the application for global clients, besides discussing the same with the concerned examiner (in India) to infuse new life in your application.


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